Become the Authority Everyone Seeks – Secure Global Speaking Gigs, Get Featured in the Media, and Attract Business Opportunities.

Imagine a world where doors swing open effortlessly, partnerships bloom like wildflowers, and opportunities are everywhere. 
Picture a reality where your voice is strong and trusted, making you the go-to expert in your industry.
With instant trust as your superpower, success is within reach. Imagine being invited to speak regularly at events and your products flying off the shelves.


There Will Be NOTHING for Sale on This LIVE Zoom Call. Enjoy 45 Minutes of High-Octane, Unadulterated Content That Has the Potential to Change Your Life!


Thursday August 8, 2024 At: 6:00 P.M. (CST)

7:00 PM Eastern /4:00 PM Pacific Time

"Ever Wondered How to Position Yourself as the Authority Everyone Seeks? Or How to Effortlessly Travel the World Speaking at Paid Events? Want to Be Featured as the Expert in Your Industry on Media for Free?"

To uncover the answers to these 3 intriguing questions, join us at this exclusive and training event.

What Will I Be Learning In This Training?

●How to Secure high-paying global speaking gigs●How to transform your digital footprint effectively●How to become a recognized authority and expert●How to Elevate and differentiate your personal brand● How to quickly generate trust and credibility

This 45-minute session is tailor-made to provide you with clear, actionable insights on what it takes to consistently secure speaking gigs as a speaker.
We understand your time is valuable, so we GUARANTEE each minute on this presentation will provide you with insights we GUARANTEE no one else is sharing!

Watch this quick video to see the success other speakers achieved with similar trainings and learn why August 8, 2024, will be a game-changer for career as an expert .

Watch this video and discover the transformative benefits of what you will learn during this Zoom Call:

Here's the bottom line:

You've got so much to offer... Incredible stories, amazing products, and valuable services!But it's like no one's listening.

Ever feel like you're shouting into the void whenever you're talking about your products or services online?

Well, that echo is more real than you think.

Here's the likely cause of the problem:

-Your digital presence is practically invisible. -Your website? Let's be honest, it's seen better days. -Your LinkedIn profile is a snooze-fest! -Your YouTube channel gets 9 views, TOPS, every time you drop a video. -And your Instagram account? It looks like the classified ads section of a free magazine – cluttered, confusing, and utterly ineffective.

People need to know WHO YOU ARE and WHAT YOU STAND FOR before they'll buy from you, invite you to speak, or hire your services.
The truth is, IT'S NOT that what you offer isn't valuable... The problem is, PEOPLE DON'T KNOW YOU. They DON'T TRUST YOU. And that's WHY selling your services, feels like mission impossible...

But don’t worry, because everything is about to change!

Imagine a world where: 

● Your voice cuts through the noise● You're the expert everyone looks up to● You've got a digital presence that’s not just visible, but magnetic ● Your website is a high-converting machine● Your LinkedIn profile exudes authority● Your YouTube Channel has fans waiting for your next video to drop● Your Instagram is a brand masterpiece● You're the industry leader everyone talks about● Your products fly off the shelves and doors open left, right and center

All these benefits are within reach. This program delivers success on a silver platter, guaranteed!


Who Is Ernesto Verdugo?

Ernesto is a multiple award winning speaker who has presented in 65 countries for people of 130 nationalities in 3 languages.

With over three decades of experience as both a seasoned speaker and an event organizer, he boasts a remarkable track record of hosting events across 26 countries on 5 continents, featuring more than 500 speakers in cities like Dubai, Bahrain, Muscat, Amsterdam, Madrid, Mumbai, and Bangkok.
His unparalleled insights into the speaker hiring process are now available to empower you, leveraging his deep understanding of this industry from both perspectives
Google his name and you'll find amongst the 463,000 results,  he is the 247th most traveled person in the world.
Get ready for an eye-opening training!
Here's his in-depth profile


Here's What Other Experts & Speakers Say About Ernesto
