Countdown to Graduation: A Busy 40 Days Ahead - Here's Your Plan!


Dear Magicians and Pilots,

As we approach Graduation, we have only 40 days left to complete all of our projects. It is essential that we work efficiently and effectively to ensure that everything is finished on time. With that in mind, let's focus on moving quickly and smoothly to achieve our goals and make this a successful end to our journey.

Please read this page in full so you will know what needs to happen for us to complete your projects.

Training Schedule:

Thursday March 16, 2023 Situation Room #1 By this date, EVERYONE should have received their Pictures and Videos. During this situation room Ernesto will be there to help you make sure you finish implementing everything regarding your Speaker Media Kit and also your Video. 

Thursday March 23, 2023 Situation Room #2 This is another date if you need assistance. You do not need to be in BOTH Situation Rooms, however make sure you are at least in ONE.

March 26-April 1, 2023AI Whisperer's Fast-Track Challenge. Remember you are entitled for FIRST Class

Thursday April 6, 2023IMPORTANT Preparation Call for Media Training in Houston.Andrea and Ernesto Will be preparing you for an amazing Experience

Thursday April 13, 2023IMPORTANT Preparation Call for Media Training in Houston.We will have 2 sessions getting you ready for your INCREDIBLE Media training!


Plan to arrive on Tuesday April 18, 2023 as we will be starting on Wednesday the 19th
Wednesday April 19, 2023 Media Training Day 1Thursday April 20, 2023 Media Training Day 2Friday April 21, 2023 Media Training Day 3 and KPI GraduationSaturday April 22, 2023 Media training Day 4 Until 3:00 PM
Please remember that this training is our PILOT and we will respectthe $750 Speaker Travel Club Price for this event. Next Training in Fall 2023WILL NOT BE INCLUDED as part of the Speaker Travel Club and the price will be $5,500
Headquarters Hotel will be announced at by March 20, But PLEASE already book your flights!

Your YouTube Training Will Take Place AFTER The Media Training Event!

Dates Will Be Announced here SOON!

Next KPOI Event Will Start On June 1 to 4 2023

Just FYI We will be Running the NEXT KPOI Event also in Houston At the End of June 2023!